特性級別 | 增韌級|||增強級||| |
牌號 | PET 130 BK-112 |
加工級別 | 注墮級|||脫模級||| |
品名 | PET 130 BK-112 |
廠家(產地) | 德國巴斯夫BASF |
用途級別 | 填充級|||纖維||| |
黑色PET 130 BK-112 增強
專業(yè)經營德國進口尼龍 ! 因為專業(yè)所以我們值得信賴,可提供加工建議,選材建議!解決客戶加工碰到的所有疑難雜癥!
基本信息 | |
填料/增強材料 |
添加劑 |
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特性 |
用途 |
RoHS 合規(guī)性 |
外觀 |
形式 |
加工方法 |
Petra 130 BK-112 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced, black pigmented polyethylene terephthalate injection molding compound. It exhibits a superb combination of performance properties including good strength and stiffness at elevated temperatures. It also has good chemical resistance and dimensional stability, and adequate ductility for most applications.
Petra 130 BK-112 is generally recommended for applications such as automotive door lock components, housings, gears and electrical and mechanical components.
巴斯夫佩特拉®110淺灘- 112 15%玻璃填充的寵物
佩特拉110是一個15%玻璃纖維增強,黑色色素,聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯注塑復合。它表現出良好黑色PET 130 BK-112 增強